Financial Control – An American Citizen Initiative
FACT: The United States Government bailed out failing financial institutions with American Tax Dollars. The Prime rate was lowered to boost the economy. Financial Institutions were allowed to buy out other financial institutions such as Washington Mutual, Capital One, and Chase by J.P. Morgan. The government lowered the required collateral to these financial institutions to boost the American economy.
FACT: J.P. Morgan promised profit to the elite wealthy shareholders of their company. J.P. Morgan is following this promise by doubling and nearly tripling previous Chase and Capital One cardholders APR interest rates. Previous daily periodic rates have jumped from .032% to as high as .0981%.
FACT: USUARY LAWS put .10 daily periodic rate as loan sharking and punishable as a crime. J.P. Morgan and other financiers are under .10 but only by .02.
FACT: The American working citizen is paying for the buyout and paying exorbitant finance fees to the greedy financiers.
REALITY: The American Working Citizen is losing house, car, job, medical care, dental care, and savings in this bailout. The American Working Citizen is walking away from financial debt with nothing leaving the fewer and fewer American Working Citizen to foot the higher financial debt at higher and higher finance rates. The GREED of the elite financial groups continues to be fed without respite.
REALITY: Unless Americans take initiative, the elite financial groups will reinstate work houses, poor houses, and financial slavery through legislation.
REALITY: The American Working Citizen must take back control of our economy now before it is too late. If we do nothing, our economy will collapse.
HOPE: Send email, mail, copy this poster, blog, and contact in any way our legislators and representatives legal, financial, and governmental. Demand that a cap of .06% daily periodic rates be legislated on any and all financial debt by financial lenders of any sort including foreign lenders.
DEMAND: A cap of .06% on daily periodic rates with excess punishable by imprisonment. This must be a USUARY LAW across every State in the United States and Federally Monitored.
We the working people are honorable American Citizens willing to pay our debt. We must have reasonable parameters in order to do this, and the GREED of the Financiers must be controlled.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
My Political Platform
I have chosen my candidate for President of the United States. This is the first time I truly feel I am selecting the least of two evils. The final selection to me is based on only one issue, the economic plan. Both of the plans are ridiculous and ill advised, but my selected candidate is the least of the two evils in this election. America will fall. It will fall faster with one candidate over the other.
As for the rest of the candidates and their frustrating rhetoric and buzz words, along with the gullibility of the American public to be swayed by Public Relations Firms and Marketing Firms continually drive me to complete frustration. I do not know what dimension I live in, because the American Presidential Candidates and Vice Presidential Candidates do not live in my world. The American public doesn’t even seem to want straight talk. I will give straight talk; this is my real dimensional world.
A. Babbling about punishing the bad greedy guys in Wall Street is useless rhetoric. Those CEO and CFO billion dollar bonus guys have left the building. Those crooks were long gone with their golden parachutes, diamonds, emeralds, rubies, gold, silver, and bonds. The focus should be on STG. (Stop the Greed). Here is another fact – Greed is the food of Greed.
B. The health insurance plans are not the issue. Health plans are not the problem. Greed is the problem. Insurance groups are raking in billions of dollars annually. The groups increase premiums, cut payments, and increase out of pocket. The facts are the insurance groups force doctors to raise costs to make a profit to buy into their consumer greed. The insurance groups rake in billions, give less to doctors (forcing cheap HMO’s. Remember physicians and medical personnel have to pay insurance also.), make participants pay more out of pocket, make participants pay higher premiums, and only pay out millions.
C. The economy of the United States is based on construction and consumerism. It is not a republic or democracy. The United States is an over developed consumer state run by the corporation for the corporation.
D. Education, Environment, Retirement, Job security, Job exploitation, and worker’s compensation are not even considered in the reality dimension of the United States Presidency and Congress.
E. The taxation programs of both candidates will burden the working poor to the breaking point. The working poor will no longer be able to give any more and the entire economy will fall.
This is what needs to be done to save America. This is the change our republic must achieve to survive:
A. The tax structure must be changed to a fair tax. All financial loopholes banished. The tax rate must be a sliding scale. The no income to low income a small percent, the middle income a larger percent, the wealthy a higher percent, the elite wealthy a very large percent.
B. Education and the Environment must become the second priority issue. Nuclear power is not the only answer. There are river turbines, solar panel advancements, wind turbines, as well as nuclear power replacements for fossil fuel power already in the wings. The greedy are trying to figure out how to keep the profit when all the technology does not require fluctuating and financial playing prices like fossil fuel. River Turbines, Solar Energy, and wind turbines are relatively free with only upkeep costs. The educational system of public schools, grading, testing, and schooling must be completely revamped. All education especially to the highest levels must be free and available to all Americans regardless of race, religious creed, or age. (I can explain the new system quickly; children can enter schools and any grade at any age. Basic subjects are taught at a young age, but forced curriculum will be eliminated at higher levels. Children, parents, and educators could direct higher learning for subjects students show excellence. Education must be elective and pursued through interest by the student.)
C. STG “Stop the Greed”. The first greed can be easily handled. The first greed is corporate greed. The answer of control is quite simple. Any corporation, conglomerate, large, medium, or small cannot exceed a 50% net profit. If any company exceeds a 50% net profit the corporation will be taxed in the following manner. 50 to 75% net profit would be taxed at 25% of the gross profit. 75 to 100% profit would be taxed at 50% of the gross profit. Any net profit margin over 100% would immediately be under investigation by the government with sanctions including the possible take over of the company by the American people. All corporations must register in the United States and subject to all American taxation programs regardless of any foreign base. Corporations, companies, or conglomerates can keep profits at 25% by any means beneficial to the economy of the Unites States including return of manufacturing in America, increased pay and benefits for employees, environmental production and planning, and security of job income with both worker compensation and retirement packages for the employee. Another suggestion to keep 25 to 50% net profit would be the return to an eight hour work day on a 5 day work week, excluding public and health services. In turn, with more spendable income, Americans could once again save and invest for the future. Americans would also need to STG. Understanding a teen does not need a new car, a family does not need a 36” plasma TV in every room, a family does not need six cell phones, five computers, name brand clothes, a 4,000 square foot million dollar house for a family of four, expensive electronic toys, etc. Focus should be on the family needs, not wants.
D. Health care including health, vision, dental, and life insurance would again return to a family doctor, dentists, ophthalmologists, and planning agents with realistic costs. All health care be provided by amounts determined by number of individuals (controlling population the more in your family, the more you pay, but if you can afford the family, you can have more.) in family paid directly from employee wages to a government health care agency that is controlled by elected officials with new elections every six years.
E. All elections for all federal, state, county, and city officials to be held once every six years. The Judges of the Supreme Court, President of the United States, and United States Senators would be allowed to serve only one six year term.
F. Retirement packages for all government officials would be identical to retirement packages of all American Workers, no exceptions. To serve the people should be the goal of the elected officials. There should be no other incentive other than to govern for the benefit of the people they represent.
G. The economy must change from Development and Consumerism to stewardship toward the environment and each other. Controlled manufacturing, self sufficiency in green environment jobs and living, as well as American security.
These are the foundations of my platform requirements for a leader.
As for the rest of the candidates and their frustrating rhetoric and buzz words, along with the gullibility of the American public to be swayed by Public Relations Firms and Marketing Firms continually drive me to complete frustration. I do not know what dimension I live in, because the American Presidential Candidates and Vice Presidential Candidates do not live in my world. The American public doesn’t even seem to want straight talk. I will give straight talk; this is my real dimensional world.
A. Babbling about punishing the bad greedy guys in Wall Street is useless rhetoric. Those CEO and CFO billion dollar bonus guys have left the building. Those crooks were long gone with their golden parachutes, diamonds, emeralds, rubies, gold, silver, and bonds. The focus should be on STG. (Stop the Greed). Here is another fact – Greed is the food of Greed.
B. The health insurance plans are not the issue. Health plans are not the problem. Greed is the problem. Insurance groups are raking in billions of dollars annually. The groups increase premiums, cut payments, and increase out of pocket. The facts are the insurance groups force doctors to raise costs to make a profit to buy into their consumer greed. The insurance groups rake in billions, give less to doctors (forcing cheap HMO’s. Remember physicians and medical personnel have to pay insurance also.), make participants pay more out of pocket, make participants pay higher premiums, and only pay out millions.
C. The economy of the United States is based on construction and consumerism. It is not a republic or democracy. The United States is an over developed consumer state run by the corporation for the corporation.
D. Education, Environment, Retirement, Job security, Job exploitation, and worker’s compensation are not even considered in the reality dimension of the United States Presidency and Congress.
E. The taxation programs of both candidates will burden the working poor to the breaking point. The working poor will no longer be able to give any more and the entire economy will fall.
This is what needs to be done to save America. This is the change our republic must achieve to survive:
A. The tax structure must be changed to a fair tax. All financial loopholes banished. The tax rate must be a sliding scale. The no income to low income a small percent, the middle income a larger percent, the wealthy a higher percent, the elite wealthy a very large percent.
B. Education and the Environment must become the second priority issue. Nuclear power is not the only answer. There are river turbines, solar panel advancements, wind turbines, as well as nuclear power replacements for fossil fuel power already in the wings. The greedy are trying to figure out how to keep the profit when all the technology does not require fluctuating and financial playing prices like fossil fuel. River Turbines, Solar Energy, and wind turbines are relatively free with only upkeep costs. The educational system of public schools, grading, testing, and schooling must be completely revamped. All education especially to the highest levels must be free and available to all Americans regardless of race, religious creed, or age. (I can explain the new system quickly; children can enter schools and any grade at any age. Basic subjects are taught at a young age, but forced curriculum will be eliminated at higher levels. Children, parents, and educators could direct higher learning for subjects students show excellence. Education must be elective and pursued through interest by the student.)
C. STG “Stop the Greed”. The first greed can be easily handled. The first greed is corporate greed. The answer of control is quite simple. Any corporation, conglomerate, large, medium, or small cannot exceed a 50% net profit. If any company exceeds a 50% net profit the corporation will be taxed in the following manner. 50 to 75% net profit would be taxed at 25% of the gross profit. 75 to 100% profit would be taxed at 50% of the gross profit. Any net profit margin over 100% would immediately be under investigation by the government with sanctions including the possible take over of the company by the American people. All corporations must register in the United States and subject to all American taxation programs regardless of any foreign base. Corporations, companies, or conglomerates can keep profits at 25% by any means beneficial to the economy of the Unites States including return of manufacturing in America, increased pay and benefits for employees, environmental production and planning, and security of job income with both worker compensation and retirement packages for the employee. Another suggestion to keep 25 to 50% net profit would be the return to an eight hour work day on a 5 day work week, excluding public and health services. In turn, with more spendable income, Americans could once again save and invest for the future. Americans would also need to STG. Understanding a teen does not need a new car, a family does not need a 36” plasma TV in every room, a family does not need six cell phones, five computers, name brand clothes, a 4,000 square foot million dollar house for a family of four, expensive electronic toys, etc. Focus should be on the family needs, not wants.
D. Health care including health, vision, dental, and life insurance would again return to a family doctor, dentists, ophthalmologists, and planning agents with realistic costs. All health care be provided by amounts determined by number of individuals (controlling population the more in your family, the more you pay, but if you can afford the family, you can have more.) in family paid directly from employee wages to a government health care agency that is controlled by elected officials with new elections every six years.
E. All elections for all federal, state, county, and city officials to be held once every six years. The Judges of the Supreme Court, President of the United States, and United States Senators would be allowed to serve only one six year term.
F. Retirement packages for all government officials would be identical to retirement packages of all American Workers, no exceptions. To serve the people should be the goal of the elected officials. There should be no other incentive other than to govern for the benefit of the people they represent.
G. The economy must change from Development and Consumerism to stewardship toward the environment and each other. Controlled manufacturing, self sufficiency in green environment jobs and living, as well as American security.
These are the foundations of my platform requirements for a leader.
Nature is sending us warnings.
The strangest senses have been occurring to me. Today at my weekend job during my break I felt a powerful change in pressure. The weather had not changed, but I felt a breeze from north. I thought perhaps a pressure system had passed through even though the weather did not change. When I left my car, I always take my break in the solitude of my car; I felt the breezes again come from the south. These were hot and humid breezes. When the pressure changed the one breeze had been dry and cool.
I felt this change was significant. I determined that for the past two weeks I have felt that something is going to happen. It is going to be a catastrophe. The impact is going to significantly change thought not only in the United States, but the world. I am not a prophet or seer. I only claim to be sensitive to my environment. My friend Pat came to me after death and told me there is not Old Man God, but there are powerful forces. These forces are both benevolent and malevolent. I believe all of us can sense this and are aware of these forces. Spirituality and Religion give them different names, but the forces can be powerful and felt.
I sensed this shift. Within the month and before or near our American elections, there is going to be a catastrophe. Whether this force will be malevolent or actually benevolent, I do not know. I do not know when, where, what, or how, but it will happen. I do not know if this catastrophe is man made using malevolence or a natural malevolence. It could be a natural benevolence to balance an imbalance, but it will happen. We as the human race will be affected.
I felt this change was significant. I determined that for the past two weeks I have felt that something is going to happen. It is going to be a catastrophe. The impact is going to significantly change thought not only in the United States, but the world. I am not a prophet or seer. I only claim to be sensitive to my environment. My friend Pat came to me after death and told me there is not Old Man God, but there are powerful forces. These forces are both benevolent and malevolent. I believe all of us can sense this and are aware of these forces. Spirituality and Religion give them different names, but the forces can be powerful and felt.
I sensed this shift. Within the month and before or near our American elections, there is going to be a catastrophe. Whether this force will be malevolent or actually benevolent, I do not know. I do not know when, where, what, or how, but it will happen. I do not know if this catastrophe is man made using malevolence or a natural malevolence. It could be a natural benevolence to balance an imbalance, but it will happen. We as the human race will be affected.
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