Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Contact - Meet yourself in the Dimensions of the Universe

I am quite hesitant when family or friends ask me to read books they have found inspirational. I do not believe in the word, inspirational. My father always said you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink. There we go, how easily it is understood. Someone else’s experience, meditation, prayer, religion, or ideas have never moved me to action. What works for one usually does not work for another no matter what type of zealot in focus one becomes. I usually view these inspirational books as New Age Clap Trap that have no purpose other than make money for the author and publisher.
I did force myself to listen to the book Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. No! Emphatically No! It did not inspire me. I did not find it inspirational. I did not want to give everything up and move to Italy to Eat, India to pray, or Indonesia to love. I am aware I would never find what she found.
I do admit that listening to the book while she was in India produced RECOGNITION. Note: I felt recognition, not inspiration. It all began when I heard her quote Swami G. “Prayer is talking to God. Meditation is listening to God.” That was recognition of us. Yes, you, the world, and me. The author continued on to her seeking meditation to listen to God and God is within us. BOOM! The Recognition.
The author went on that while standing in an auditorium she went into deep meditation, or the Hand of God. Suddenly she described she understood everything and wanted to stay there, but was quickly pulled away. The author described it as a wonderful euphoric feeling as if she belonged to the universe. There was the answer. We are the universe.
Many times these wonderful feelings of euphoria have been entering my life on a daily basis. It is such a good feeling I treasure them more and more. I thought to try entering this euphoria with my will and when I felt like it. How easily it is done. I just think it and I am there.
A friend of mine constantly reminds me that we make our world from our choices. This is so true, but it is so much more than that. We can truly live in different dimensions of the universe with a thought. There is no need for arduous meditation. We merely need to accept our part in the universe as a part of the universe.
When my departed from this three dimensional world came to visit me in my dream dimension she showed me the choices of dimension both in and out of this dimension. It is easy to understand that we have made a choice to currently reside in a three dimensional material world and pull ourselves back into more than enjoying the capability of dwelling in other dimensions of our choice. Some of our other dimensional choices may include power, lust, greed, anger, or rage. We can also visit choices of peace, harmony, light, or joy. These are individual choices and we draw the energy of these dimensions into our physical three-dimensional material world.
The good news is that the more people that realize the simplicity of pulling positive energy will result in a positive physical three-dimensional world. Yes, a better world is that simple. This is the choice we can make for our future.
The bad news is that this energy pulling is so simple that we do more negative energy pulling and all those that have power over us and we allow having power over us have been pulling this energy without the knowledge of how they are doing it.
I cannot help but remember the wisdom of Yoda from Star Wars when talking to Luke Skywalker. “You must unlearn what you have learned.” “Do or do not. There is no try.” “Judge me by my size, do you?” Our size, shape, caste, or color has no relevance to the energy we draw in the experience of this life.
It is so simple. It is so easy. “Let yourself go!” The only thing that truly is required to step into these different dimensions is quiet and solitude. You cannot try on for size these different dimensions if you are being bombarded by stimulus from work, school, peers, teachers, parents, children, family, or friends.
When you are alone, close your eyes and draw what energy you truly desire. If it is true that we all want happiness or contentment, you can find it in those quiet moments when you release yourself from this physical world and step into the dimension of your choice.
Have you ever wondered why anyone looks so angelic in sleep? They have released their consciousness into other dimensions of choice. In sleep we release the physical. It can be done in silence and solitude without sleep. It explains why some can see the spirits of departed, the future, precognition, or other supposedly paranormal talents. I have always said, ‘The paranormal is merely unexplained science.’ The explanation is this simple, we are part of the universe and our universe is a part of us. (Recognition from the book only described differently.) None of us are unique but each of us is unique like a snowflake. Our energy vacillates from one dimension to another. Currently I am in this physical dimension. I chose it. I live in it. I respond to it. It is an experience, but I no longer limit myself to it. I finally have reached the point in my life that I finally accept my other dimensions. I’m probably choosing my next, as the Hindus put it, incarnation. But, I am also finding a serenity and joy upon discovering my capability to realize I can do this, you can do this, and we all can do this. I do not have to meditate and raise this physical body five feet off the ground to prove my ability to meditate. I merely think in quiet and sample the meditation. It’s great!
We must also realize we cannot always live in other dimensions. These are visits. We chose this incarnation and are obligated to experience it in full. We can create a bubble in it for reprieve, but we live here to experience its energies and powers. We can surround powers and energies around us. We can step out when we must escape the power and energies of others that are wielding their power without knowledge and control of it. It is just a part of this experience.
Read the book Eat Pray Love if you are looking for someone else to give you an answer. (Hint: You won’t find it from her but it is an enjoyable read). Read the book if you want a hint on your own self-discovery. (Hint: In this case I recommend the book. Something may jolt you into recognition). The answer can only be found in your individual snowflake in the wonder of the universe.

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